Scrum team

The Team is responsible for developing functionality. Teams are self-managing, self-organizing, and cross-functional and they ar responsible for figuring out how to turn Product Backlog into an increment of functionality within an iteration ans managing their own work to do so. This means the full know-how to realize the product is located within the team. The team needs to understand the vision and the Sprint Goals of the Product Owner in order to deliver potentially shippable product.

The team normally consists of 4-9 people - a group size that experience and research has shown to be best for this type of work.
Normally, there are no set project roles - everyone should be able to swap tasks with another member. Naturally, this does not prevent individual members from being experts in a field.

Members of a team should be full-time, and membership should only change between sprints.


  • Select and commit to delivery of highest-priority items found in the Product Backlog.
  • Plan and estimate tasks for each item on the Selected Product Backlog.
  • Ensure requirements are addressed through use of index cards and user stories, or an appropriate system to hold such information
  • Perform the actual work of problem solvers and designers.
  • Arranged the work and distribute assignments.
  • Commit to the work
  • Authorized to do whatever is needed to meet their commitment
  • Manages its own work and self-organizes around how it desires to complete the iteration.
  • The team manages itself to its commitments.
  • Participate on Daily Scrum and update progress of the Sprint


As Scrum does not define what to be delivered, and can be used for any kind of work, there are no pre-defined skill requirements.
However some skills are always appreciated:

  • Knowledge or experience of the tools and development techniques being used
  • Good listener/communicator
  • Business area awareness