This is a meeting facilitated by the Scrum Master at which the Team discusses the just concluded Sprint and determines what could be changed that might make the next Sprint more enjoyable and productive. The Sprint Review looks at what the team are building whereas the Retrospective looks at how they are building.
Duration | 2 hours |
Participants | Scrum Master, All team members, Product Owner (optional) |
Facilities |
A room suitable for discussions |
Flip charts |
A time line over at 2-3 connected flip-charts
1. Present goal and prime directive for meeting
2. Mark the start and end date of the Sprint on the time line
3. Explain to the participants how to work with post-its, i.e. write only one event per post-it
4. Hand out post its and ask everyone to write on them all significant events of this Sprint. Timeboxed 5 minutes.
5. Each participant in turn adds his/hers Post-its to the time-line and explains in two sentences, the story behind the event
What went well
6. Hand out Post-its and ask everybody "What went well". Timeboxed 5 minutes
7. Each participant in turn adds his Post-its to the flipchart "What went well" and explains it
What can be improved
8. Hand put Post-its and ask everybody "What could be improved". Timeboxed 5 minutes
9. Each participant in turn adds his Post-its to the flipchart "What could be improved" and explains it
Who is in control
10. For each item on the "What could be improved" flip chart:
- Ask the team "Who is in control of the impediment?"
- Move the corresponding column on the flip chart "Who is in control"
11. Prioritize both lists with the team
Wrap it up
Run a wrap up of the meeting
12. Each participants gives a short reflection about the retrospective
After the meeting
The "Who is in control" flip chart is made visible to everyone in the organization
The impediments related to the organization are added to the Impediment backlog
The impediments related to the team is added to the Product Backlog